Lowongan Kerja Plan Indonesia

Plan Indonesia adalah lembaga kemanusiaan internasional, dan organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, tanpa afiliasi dengan agama, kepentingan politik dan pemerintah tertentu. Visi Plan adalah terciptanya suatu dunia, dimana semua anak bisa mewujudkan seluruh potensi mereka di dalam masyarakat yang menghormati hak dan martabat manusia.
Kami mengundang warga negara Indonesia yang jujur, berintegritas tinggi dan memiliki komitmen terhadap pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, untuk bergabung dengan kami sebagai:

Community Transformation Agent (CTA) (Penempatan: SoE, Kefa, Sikka & Lembata)
CTA bertanggung jawab mengorganisir dan memfasilitasi masyarakat dan anak-anak (laki-laki dan perempuan) dampingan-nya untuk melakukan perencanaan, implementasi, monitoring dan evaluasi program secara partisipatif.

* Sarjana dari semua jurusan (lebih diutamakan Sarjana Ilmu Sosial, Kesehatan Masyarakat, Pertanian, Peternakan, Ekonomi, Hukum, Teknik Lingkungan, & Sarjana Pendidikan)
* Memiliki pengalaman memfasilitasi kegiatan di masyarakat (terutama anak-anak)
* Memiliki pemahaman dan sensitivitas terhadap budaya lokal
* Mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
* Bersedia tinggal (live in) di desa
* Memiliki SIM C dan mampu mengendarai sepeda motor.
* Mampu mengoperasikan program computer Ms Office (Ms Word, Power Point & Excel)

Staf Administasi Program (Penempatan: Lembata)
Staf Administrasi Program bertanggung- jawab dalam administrasi proyek, dan melakukan pengendalian atas efisiensi dan efektivitasnya.
· Pendidikan minimal D3, lebih diutamakan Sarjana Ekonomi Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntansi dan Sarjana Administrasi
· Lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman dalam mengelola administrasi dan aset perkantoran
· Mampu mengoperasikan program komputer Ms Office (Ms Word & Excel)
· Mau bekerja keras dan dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
· Memiliki SIM C dan mampu mengendarai sepeda motor

Plan Indonesia memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada semua pelamar. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti seleksi. Kirimkan surat lamaran (beserta CV update, Photo terbaru, Copy Ijazah, Transkrip Nilai) paling lambat pada 22 Januari 2010 ke:

  • Plan Indonesia Country Office:
    Gedung Menara Duta Lantai 6 Wing A, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav B-9 Jakarta Selatan atau email: HRD.Indonesia@ plan-internation al.org, atau
  • Plan SoE:
    Jl. Ki Hajar Dewantara No. 3 Kel. Taubneno, SoE - TTS – NTT, atau
  • Plan Kefa:
    Jl. Sukarno Kel. Kefa Tengah, Kec. Kota, TTU – NTT, atau
  • Plan Sikka:
    Jl. Sukarno Hatta (ex. BK3D) Maumere, Sikka – NTT, atau
  • Plan Lembata:
    Jl. Trans Nagawuntung, Waikomo Lewoleba Barat - Lembata 86682

Sebagai organisasi pengembangan masyarakat yang berpusat pada anak, Plan tidak mentoleransi kekerasan terhadap anak. Jika anda ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang Plan International silahkan kunjungi website kami di www.plan-international.org

Vacancy - Project Officer at World Population Foundation Jakarta [Due: 15 Jan 10]

We are seeking expressions of interest from highly experienced professionals for the position of Project Officer for child sexual abuse project and Juvenile Correctional Institutional (Lapas Anak) Project based in Jakarta.
Application deadline is 15 January 2010. Applicants should be of Indonesian nationality.
World Population Foundation Indonesia mission is to work to improve the quality of life in developing countries by promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), awareness of the importance of SRHR for sustainable human development, understanding of the central role of reproductive health in population issues. Through awareness creation, education, resource mobilisation, and the provision of information and services, especially to women and young people.
1. A professional with 3- 5 years experience in the NGO sectors, preferably in sexual and reproductive health.
2. Have a good knowledge and perspective on gender, child rights, human rights.
3. Have a positive perspective on youth and sexuality
4. Able to work in both Bahasa Indonesia and English language.
5. Works full-time on project.
6. Understands and undertakes project management and budgeting
7. Has experience working in NGOs dealing with reproductive health, youth and/orchildren' s issues.
8. Someone who can lead, an independent worker, with minimal supervision.
9. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and demonstrated
10. Ability to work in a team
11. Competent in computer skills such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.
Applications should be submitted in English and include a detailed CV, cover letter, 1 recommendations, and contact details of immediate past two employers.
Please send applications by email to office@wpfindonesia .org <mailto:office@wpfindonesia. org> The closing date for applications is 15 January 2010. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

JOB: Clean Development Mechanism and Carbon Trading Project Engineer

Source: ASIA CARBON – December 22, 2009

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is one of the mechanisms in Kyoto Protocol that provide flexibility to the developed countries to achieve their emission reduction target from the implementation of "friendly environment or green" projects in the developing countries.

PT. Asia Carbon Indonesia (www.asiacarbon. com) is the leading provider that offers one stop solution in Carbon Advisory, Carbon Finance and Carbon Trading. Now, we are looking to recruit a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and Carbon Trading Project engineer to be responsible for CDM project execution and providing support in CDM project origination in Indonesia within the company.

The role will include:

•Execute CDM project development, particularly in developing Carbon Due Diligence documents and Project Design Documents
•Conduct Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, assist CDM validation process and DNA approval process
•Develop spreadsheet models for calculation of emission reductions
•Provide support in business development such as proposal writing and client meetings

The job will require someone with a diligent though flexible approach, with a strong emphasis on solving problems and devising practical systems that can be easily implemented by the team.

The successful candidate will preferably:

•Mechanical/Electric al engineer
•Experience in related field min 1 year
•GPA &#8805; 3.25 and IELTS score &#8805; 6.0/TOEFL score &#8805; 550
•For mechanical engineer: Grade "B" in thermodynamic courses
•Excellent in English (written and oral communication skills)
•Able to work under pressure and highly motivated.

Location: Jakarta
Salary: Attractive compensation package based on experience
Please send your application letter with CV to aina@asiacarbon. com until 29 January 2010.

Lowongan Kerja 2010 – Hotel Puri Denpasar | Bali

Urgently Required

1. FOM
2. Night Audit/Night Manager
3. FDA


  • Experienced in MYOH system min 2 years
  • Proven Track Record
  • Fluently in English
  • Good Looking
  • Honest
  • Credible
  • Loyal

Send your CV and new photograph to:
latest 20 January 2010


Lowongan Kerja 2010 – NIKE Inc

Nike Inc. is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States. The company is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon, which is part of the Portland metropolitan area. It is the world's leading supplier of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment with revenue in excess of $18.6 billion USD in its fiscal year 2008 (ending May 31, 2008).

  • Environmental Management or Engineering Degree from reputable university with additional industry experience (especially footwear, sporting goods or apparel manufacturing) preferred
  • Graduates in other engineering disciplines will also be considered
  • 3-5 more years of experience in the field of environmental management / engineering or other manufacturing improvement related work
  • Specialization in the minimization of manufacturing process related environmental impacts as well as experience monitoring and maintaining a manufacturing product or process, a plus
  • Knowledge of environmental theory, protocols, trends and jargon
  • Knowledge of and experience with continuous improvement methodologies such as Lean Manufacturing / Toyota Production Systems, Six Sigma, etc, a plus
  • Excellent English, oral and written communication skills as well as competence in using computer software programs
  • Excellent organizational skill and ability to work with little or no direct supervision
  • Willing to travel outside Indonesia and work on the manufacturing production floor
Category Manufacturing Manager (CMM)
Applicants should have the following skills and qualifications:
  • Bachelor or Master Degree in Business, Engineering or related fields from an accredited University
  • Minimum 5 years footwear experience and at least 3 years overseas manufacturing experience or comparable cultural experience
  • Must be able to understand, forecast and communicate ideas, problems and needs across a complex matrix and with manufacturing business unit upper and middle management
  • Must be able to effectively manage and lead a diverse work team, multiple task and priorities, ability to work under pressure, be decisive, make decisions and be self motivated
  • Must be fluent in English with excellent computer, written and verbal communication skills
Please email your application and resume in English along with your recent photograph and quote the position applied for, not later than 17 January 2010 to: HR.Indonesia@nike.com
Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be invited for an inteview and no e-mail or telephone queries will be entertained. Late submission will not be considered

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