Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Lowongan The Fauna and Flora International' s Indonesia Programme (FFI-IP) - Nusa Kambangan Project Leader
The Fauna and Flora International' s Indonesia Programme (FFI-IP) and PT Holcim Tbk. has been developed the conservation strategy in Nusa Kambangan Island, Central Java through the High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) assessment in this island as well as to develop a conservation approach to local government of Cilacap. The ultimate goal of the conservation work between FFI-IP and PT Holcim is to improve protection of limestone and lowland forest in Nusa Kambangan with two stake objectives of (i) develop a conservation plan for Nusa Kambangan; and (ii) develop a management plan for the Conservation Zone/ Green Belt in the Holcim Contract of Work Area.To achieve the conservation goal for Nusa Kambangan Island, a rapid and comprehensive biodiversity inventory need to undertake through the HCVF approach. Holcim has designated a conservation area in the form of a coastal green belt (forest covered limestone hills between the quarry and the coast) no conservation management plan for the green belt has been defined yet. The current biological monitoring system based on the initial environmental impact assessment does currently not provide sufficient information to monitor biodiversity (e.g. monitoring for bats and cave invertebrates does not identify species) of improve biodiversity management for the forests in the designated conservation zone. As the quarry is legally converting remaning intact limestone forests. Holcim's committment to conservation at the landscape level is off-setting the direct impacts of it's operation as well as mitigating any potential indirect impacts of it's operation in the surrounding landscape.
To start the activity of FFI's Nusa Kambangan project, a Project Leader to run and coordinate the project need to be immediately recruited. Nusa Kambangan Project Leader will be responsible for day to day activity of the project as well as to ensure the direction of the project to meet the targeted goal.
The FFI Nusa Kambangan Project Leader will be based at Holcim/Cilacap Office with the main scope of work is to lead, coordinate and control the project activities as planned under the project proposal to meet the specific goal and objectives.
• Preparing, setting up and launching the Nusa Kambangan field office in coordination with PT Holcim staff(s) in Cilacap;
• Undertake the office management of the project including administrative and financial planning, monitoring, implementation and regular reporting in day to day basis;
• Recruiting and hiring relevant staffs, experts and consultants as needed in relation to the project objectives and activities;
• Identify relevant stakeholders around the project site in relation to the project as well as develop a good relations, communications and partnerships with Holcim-Cilacap staffs, Local Government of Cilacap and identified stakeholders;
• With FFI's Supervisors and contracted experts, designing, planning and developing methodology for field assessment with focus on biodiversity (bird, mammal, herpetofaunan and vegetation), Karst ecosystem, camera trap and speology;
• Coordinating and monitoring the implementation of the assessment work in the scope of biodiversity, Karst ecosystem, camera trap and speology using the agreed methodology;
• Collect and keep all data obtained during the assessment and collate all the reports produced by contracted experts and consultants to develop conservation and management plans of Nusa Kambangan Forest and Karst ecosystems as well as recommendations to improve the existing current biodiversity protocol; and
• Conducting the stakeholders consultations to review and improve the documents of conservation and management plans of the area.
• Biodiversity assessment reports for Nusa Kambangan and contract of work area
• Conservation plan for Nusa Kambangan agreed by stakeholders
• Conservation management plan for conservation zone in contract of work area
• Recommendations for improved biodiversity monitoring
• Recommendations to integrate biodiversity conservation into standard operating procedures
• Cave management plans
• Karst conservation awareness materials (optional)
12 months (January – December, 2010).
• S1 education background on Biology or other relevant courses;
• 5 years experience on forestry or conservation sectors and candidates with at least 2 years experience in leading a project are more preferred;
• Fluent in English both orally and writing;
• Good communication skills in a wide range of different environment;
• Output oriented and able to work under hard environment both as a team or independently ;and
• Familiar with various computer programs including word processor, data management and calculation as well as media presentation
MORE INFO: info@ffi.or. id
JOB: Fauna and Flora International Conserving Wildlife Since 1903
Source: Mailist – January 13, 2010
TERMS OF REFERENCE POSITION: Nusa Kambangan Project Leader
REPORTING TO: Executive Director, Fauna and Flora Indonesia Programme